AJHC Financial Partners


AJHC Financial Partners helps with most of the provider’s needs, including understanding healthcare regulations, coding, billing, documentation (CDI), contracting/ credentialing, quality assurance, and finance.

AJHC Financial Partners works with you to assess the financial and operational status of your company backed up with various reports and followed by a planned strategy and executed delivery to meet your goals and address your needs.

AJHC Financial Partners bids and collaborates with innovative organizations like yours for government proposals as a prime contractor or an MWBE-certified subcontractor.



AJHC a team of multidisciplinary certified professionals united by shared values providing services in auditing, accounting,  healthcare business operations and compliance. We are great at reading financial and policy documents, contracts, numbers and reports and providing valuable background of what is happening with the organization and whether it is compliant with the applicable regulations. 

Our current clients are the Big Four accounting firms, like KPMG and Deloitte, government agencies, hospitals and other healthcare systems,  private businesses and  non-for-profit organizations.

business management , manager , finance , healthcare meeting , healthcare , meeting, AJHC Careers, AJHC, AJHC Financial Partners, AJHC FP, Julia Nabiullina, FQHC, Healthcare, Healthcare Providers, RHC, Healthcare Finance, auditing, healthcare consulting, ICR, Cost report, coding, billing, AHCF, Ask Julia Healthcare, compliance, Government contracting, Healthcare Provider


audit advisory, business management , manager , finance , healthcare meeting , healthcare , meeting, AJHC Careers, AJHC, AJHC Financial Partners, AJHC FP, Julia Nabiullina, FQHC, Healthcare, Healthcare Providers, RHC, Healthcare Finance, auditing, healthcare consulting, ICR, Cost report, coding, billing, AHCF, Ask Julia Healthcare, compliance, Government contracting, Healthcare Provider, data reporting, audit
audit advisory, business management , manager , finance , healthcare meeting , healthcare , meeting, AJHC Careers, AJHC, AJHC Financial Partners, AJHC FP, Julia Nabiullina, FQHC, Healthcare, Healthcare Providers, RHC, Healthcare Finance, auditing, healthcare consulting, ICR, Cost report, coding, billing, AHCF, Ask Julia Healthcare, compliance, Government contracting, Healthcare Provider, data reporting, audit
Dear Guest,

Thank you for visiting our site. I hope you’ll enjoy our virtual home! Now that I have your attention, I’d like to tell you a little bit of our story, how it all started.

Throughout years of educating healthcare professionals and providers, I have witnessed phenomenal impact from the trainings leading to a restored confidence and positivity. I received more invitations to the practices than I could physically accept.

While comments like “We need to clone Julia” were very flattering, they started sounding more as a call for action for me. That encouraged me to look for the ways to extend my reach.

I asked You for the feedback on how to make it happen. The ideas were brilliant and pretty consistent – it appears that there was a real need to create a place where providers could find and connect with me anytime and anywhere, share concerns and ask for advice. A place to see the new trainings, templates, tools and cheat-sheets I genuinely “craft”, as well as other possibilities to continue learning and growing. In fact, it was You who pitched the idea of starting a column in a newsletter and call it “Ask Julia”, which I further incorporated into the company name and image!

A few years later I built a unique hand-picked Team to assist me in this journey. More valuable certified specialists joined the cause. Together we were able to cover more aspects of the healthcare field and added more industries to our portfolio, using strategy, accounting/finance and compliance as the main connectors. To reflect the expansion, we decided to add  the words “Financial Partners” to our name, yet saving the integrity of the main idea and our initial dedication, abbreviated as AJHC – Ask Julia Healthcare Consulting.

We are looking forward to working with you and being the team behind Your project success story!

Truly Yours,
Julia Nabiullina


We provide top quality services to a number of innovative organizations. Here, at AJHC Financial Partners, we believe that by taking ownership and acting with commitment we all achieve sustainable success.


We have a 100% commitment and enthusiasm to making our work exceed the expectations and wow our clients, no matter what it takes to get there.  Our success is described not only by the quality of our work; it’s broken down to attitude, our approach and the way we treat our clients. 

past performance, logo, audit advisory, business management , manager , finance , healthcare meeting , healthcare , meeting, AJHC Careers, AJHC, AJHC Financial Partners, AJHC FP, Julia Nabiullina, FQHC, Healthcare, Healthcare Providers, RHC, Healthcare Finance, auditing, healthcare consulting, ICR, Cost report, coding, billing, AHCF, Ask Julia Healthcare, compliance, Government contracting, Healthcare Provider


see how we are committed to forming a long-term professional relationship

Now I see where my patients are within this coding chart you provided. It feels just right - I've spent so much time on this patient, and it really could've been higher level of the visit. Which is fair.

Edward Dimitry, MD
Pulmonary and Allergy Associates

Thank you so much for your assistance with the providers at Medical Institute of New Jersey. I'm receiving such positive feedback and wanted you to know that we really appreciate your time.

Medical Billing Advisory Contracting Compliance AHCF, ICR, FQHC MCVR Reporting
Jessica Darcy
Administrator, Atlantic Medical Group

Thank you for turning this into a very useful and positive experience! Doctors and staff have some great tools for success.

AJHC Careers, AJHC, AJHC Financial Partners, AJHC FP, Julia Nabiullina, FQHC, Healthcare, Healthcare Providers, RHC, Healthcare Finance, auditing, healthcare consulting, ICR, Cost report, coding, billing, AHCF, Ask Julia Healthcare, compliance, Government contracting, AJHC Financial Partners Team, Team Oriented
Dr Bronstein, DO
Primary Care

AJHC ACADEMY: Virtual Learning Center

Different people have different learning styles, approaches and needs. Whatever type of learner you are and no matter how much (or how little) time you’ve got to spare – AJHC Academy has something for you when you’re in the mood for exploring! On an individual level,  that means there’s always something new and exciting for you to master and expand on your full potential. Here at AJHC Academy, we’re always developing brand-new learning materials for our toolbox, bringing our nationwide community the latest technical healthcare and finance expertise as well as leadership insights in business intelligence, professional skills, and career development.
We spend time getting to know the challenges you face before developing the training modules. Our team thoroughly inspects the regulations, followed by combining that with our knowledge of the field and understanding the reality in business operations to carefully craft solutions that work.
Our development process is outcomes-driven. We supplement our training material with the Tools, Cheat-Sheets and Technology to implement the solutions and automate the process. Our Team will be with you along the way, offering more hands-on support until the project becomes self-efficient.
Our talented team of Subject Matter Experts, Technical and Delivery Support are here to listen and help. There’s no topic too complicated or obscure for us.